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Page limits for email subscriptions in Power BI Premium

In Power BI Premium you can create email subscriptions for users. This feature allows you to send a .pdf or .pptx to subcribers at a specified frequency.

In the video below, you can see the settings we can define and how we can enable .pdf attachments.

We are getting the error below, even though we only have 17 pages in our report.

So we are talking about this error message: PbixFullReportAttachmentSubscriptionInvalidStateError

According to the Microsoft documentation, you can send up to 20 pages.

Apparently, Microsoft also counts hidden pages. Since we have an additional 5 pages hidden, we are hitting the 20 page limit.

After taking out the hidden pages, everything will work smoothly and we are getting the email as expected (see screenshot below).

Microsoft just announced on June 14, 2022 that the email subscription limit will be increased to 50 pages.

It might happen in August 2022 but they do not mention an exact date. We can confirm however, that as of now, we still have this 20 pages limit in place.

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